About David
David Kosař earned his M.A. in Law at Masaryk University, an LL.M. in Human Rights Law at Central European University, and a J.S.D. at New York University School of Law. In December 2023, David was appointed a professor in constitutional law and theory of state.
He currently lectures at the Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science at the MU Faculty of Law. He is also leading a project regarding the effects of informal institutions on the functioning of the judiciary ('INFINITY – Informal Judicial Institutions: Invisible Determinants of Democratic Decay', 2021-2026) at the Judicial Studies Institute.
He has previously clerked for a Justice, then the Vice-President of the Supreme Administrative Court, and for a Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. In 2016, he was the first Czech lawyer to receive a prestigious grant from the European Research Council to study the effects of judicial self-government (“JUDI-ARCH – The Rise of Judicial Self-Government: Changing the Architecture of Separation of Powers without an Architect”, 2016-2021). He received the 2016 'Právník roku' ['Lawyer of the Year'] civil and human rights award.
One of his most important publications is 'Komentář k Listině' ['Commentary on the Charter'] and 'Komentář k Evropské úmluvě o lidských právech' ['Commentary on the European Convention on Human Rights']. Among his international publications, his most significant achievements include the monograph 'Perils of Judicial Self-Government in Transitional Societies' (CUP, 2016) and the articles in the German Law Journal (with Michal Bobek), the American Journal of International Law (with Lucas Lixinski) and in the European Journal of International Law (with Jan Petrov). Most recently, he most values his articles 'Comparative Court Packing' in ICON (with Katarína Šipulová) and 'The Case for Judicial Councils as Fourth Branch Institutions' in the EuConst (with Katarína Šipulová and Ondřej Kadlec), 'The Art of Waiting Humbly: Women Judges Reflect on Vertical Gender Segregation' in the Feminist Legal Studies (with Marína Urbániková and Barbara Havelková) and 'Court Hoarding' in the Law & Policy (with Patrick Casey Leisure).
In addition to these journals, David has also published in Law & Social Inquiry, Hague Journal of the Rule of Law, German Law Journal, International Journal of Refugee Law and most of the key Czech law journals. He is also a member of several learned societies (ASIL, ESIL, LSA, ICON-S, ECPR) and the inaugural co-chair of the Central and Eastern European Section of ICON-S (2018-2024). David Kosař's research interests include constitutional theory, comparative public law, judicial issues, and human rights, including ECtHR case law, refugee law and transitional justice.
E-mail: David.Kosar@law.muni.cz