JUSTIN Visiting Researcher Programme

JUSTIN launched the Visiting Researcher Programme in 2018. The programme is open to all researchers working and courts and constitutional law, from senior and junior scholars to advanced PhD students, whose research interest closely links to the scope of JUSTIN’s research activities. In this regard, we particularly welcome applications from scholars working on national, international and supranational courts, human rights law, judicial self-governance, or democratization.

Visiting Researchers have an opportunity to work on their research and organise a seminar, where they can present their standing work and receive valuable feedback. They are also most welcome to partake in other research activities of JUSTIN: be it our own research and collaboration on publications, methodology sessions, regular weekly research seminars, roundtables or “what’s new in public law” debates.

As far as it is in our capacity, we aim to provide visiting researchers with access to the open office space and the Faculty library.

How to apply

Required documents

  • Motivation letter
  • Academic CV
  • Research proposal 
  • Plan for your research stay at JUSTIN

Contact us

If you would like to apply for the visiting programme, please contact Katarína Šipulová at katarina.sipulova@law.muni.cz, together with the required documents.

Recent visitors

Daniel Bogéa

Daniel Bogéa is a PhD Candidate in Comparative Constitutional Law (supervisors Ros Dixon and Lucas Lixinski) and Teaching Fellow at UNSW Sydney. He is also a PhD Candidate in Political Science at the University of São Paulo. His current research encompasses legislative court-curbing against constitutional courts and judicial resistance in democracies under pressure. He is a researcher at the Gilbert+Tobin Centre of Public Law (UNSW Sydney) and at the Judiciary and Democracy Research Group (USP). Daniel's research stay at JUSTIN took place in May and June 2024.

Maroš Terkanič

Maroš directs the Policy Analysis Unit at the Analytical Center of the Slovak Ministry of Justice which main role is an assessment and policy suggestions within the Ministry's responsibility. Maroš dedicates himself to the areas of human rights, criminal law, civil law and functioning of the judiciary in Slovakia. As part of his research visit at JUSTIN in 2023, he focused on the topic of judicial independence and judicial credibility.

Silvia Steininger

Silvia is a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, an incoming Postdoctoral Researcher at the Hertie Centre for Fundamental Rights, and currently in the final stages of her PhD on backlash and resilience of regional human rights regimes at Goethe University Frankfurt. Her research stay at JUSTIN in 2023 is part of her re:constitution fellowship, in which she investigates how European apex courts communicate in the rule of law crisis.

Jacopo Mazzuri

Jacopo is a PhD candidate in Public Law at the University of Florence. His main research interests include judicial power in the Italian constitutional system, with emphasis on judicial self-governance and the position of the public prosecutor, judicial and prosecutorial accountability, and the sources of the law. Jacopo’s research stay at JUSTIN took place in 2022.

Nicole Štýbnarová

Nicole is a PhD candidate at the University of Helsinky and a MPhl candidate at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include migration law, human rights and private international law. During her stay in 2019, Nicole presented her research on Historical Argument of Equality of Sexes for Cultural Differentiating in Migration Law.

Monika Florczak-Wątor

Monika Florczak-Wątor is a professor of constitutional law at the Department of Constitutional Law at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She studies theory and normative approaches to human rights, axiology and interpretation of constitution, and comparative constitutional law. During her stay at JUSTIN in 2019, she engaged with a research on the institution of constitutional complaints in the Czech Republic.

Ana Shalamberidze

Ana is a PhD candidate in the field of public law and administration of judiciaries at the University of Tbilisi. In her research, Ana focuses on judicial (self)-governance models and governance of judiciaries in post-Soviet countries. Ana was the first visiting researcher at JUSTIN in 2018.

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