Judicial Studies Institute
Judicial Studies Institute - JUSTIN is a research center dedicated to the study of domestic courts, international tribunals and various bodies involved in court administration. JUSTIN opened in September 2016 with the help of the ERC Starting Grant (JUDI-ARCH, 2016-2021), which focused on the ever growing role of judicial councils and other forms of judicial self-government in a globalizing legal order.
Research Interest
Judicial independence and accountability
Public confidence in courts and judges
Transparency and legitimacy of courts
Legislative responses to the Strasbourg case law
Citation analysis, domestic compliance with decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and UN human rights bodies
JUSTIN strives to become the globally leading hub for research on judicial self-government and its impact on law, politics and society.
Co-directors of JUSTIN
Total number of publications: 273
The Constitutional Court of Czechia
The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law, Vol. III: Constitutional Adjudication: Institutions, year: 2020, number of pages: 61 s.
The Role of Domestic Courts in the Strasbourg System
Domestic Judicial Treatment of European Court of Human Rights Case Law: Beyond Compliance, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2020, number of pages: 20 s.
The Supreme Administrative Court: A New Kid on the Block
Domestic Judicial Treatment of European Court of Human Rights Case Law: Beyond Compliance, year: 2020, number of pages: 30 s.
The Supreme Court – The Story of a (Post)communist Cinderella
Domestic Judicial Treatment of European Court of Human Rights – Beyond Compliance, edition: Vyd. 1st, year: 2020, number of pages: 37 s.
Ukradená intimita: sexuální obtěžování v online prostoru
Mužské právo. Jsou právní pravidla neutrální?, year: 2020, number of pages: 23 s.
Unpacking the separation of powers
New Challenges to the Separation of Powers : Dividing Power, edition: Vyd. 1., year: 2020, number of pages: 20 s.
Ženské právo? (De)feminizace a genderová segregace českého soudnictví v číslech
Mužské právo. Jsou právní pravidla neutrální?, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2020, number of pages: 54 s.
Constitutional Identity in the Czech Republic: A New Twist On An Old Fashioned Idea
Constitutional Identity in a Europe of Multilevel Constitutionalism, year: 2019, number of pages: 29 s.
Internally Displaced Persons and International Refugee Law
Research Handbook on International Refugee Law, year: 2019, number of pages: 13 s.
The Czech Constitutional Court: Far away from political influence
Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2019, number of pages: 29 s.