Judicial Studies Institute
Judicial Studies Institute - JUSTIN is a research center dedicated to the study of domestic courts, international tribunals and various bodies involved in court administration. JUSTIN opened in September 2016 with the help of the ERC Starting Grant (JUDI-ARCH, 2016-2021), which focused on the ever growing role of judicial councils and other forms of judicial self-government in a globalizing legal order.
Research Interest
Judicial independence and accountability
Public confidence in courts and judges
Transparency and legitimacy of courts
Legislative responses to the Strasbourg case law
Citation analysis, domestic compliance with decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and UN human rights bodies
JUSTIN strives to become the globally leading hub for research on judicial self-government and its impact on law, politics and society.
Co-directors of JUSTIN
Total number of publications: 273
Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era : Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey in the year 2021. Country report: Slovakia
Year: 2022
Monitorovanie mediálnej plurality v digitálnej ére: Aplikácia Monitoru plurality médií v Európskej únii, Albánsku, Čiernej Hore, Severnom Macedónsku, Srbsku a Turecku v roku 2021
Year: 2022