Konference 2017

  • 26. 10. 2017 Přednáška European University Institute, Florencie, Itálie.

    David Kosař"Constitutional Identity of the Czech Republic"

  • 5. 10. 2017 Kulatý stůl "Judicial governance bodies as agents of change", National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrajina.

    David Kosař"Judicial councils in transitional justice countries"

  • 13.-19. 9. 2017 Přednáška na New York University School of Law, New York, Spojené státy americké. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Populism and Separation of Powers"

  • 6.-9. 9. 2017 ECPR General Conference, Oslo, Norsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Hubert Smekal "International Human Rights Case Law in Domestic High Politics"

    Katarína Šipulová"Constitutional Courts as Catalysts of Democratization"

    Hubert Smekal and Katarína Šipulová (ve spoluautorství s Jozefem Janovským) – "Political Regimes and Commitment Patterns"

  • 5.-7. 7. 2017 Konference ICON-S "Courts, Power and Public Law", University of Copenhagen a iCourts, Kodaň, Dánsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Katarína Šipulová"Slovakia: Democratic Backsliding and (Ab)use of Constitutional Identity: Slovakian Place in the Concept of Fundamental Constitutional Values of the European Union" a "Externalities in Transitional Justice Decisions: The European Union and Transitional Justice Processes in Post-Communist Countries"

    Simone Benvenuti"Images of judicial self-governance. A comparative and historical study of three main jurisdictions: France, United Kingdom, United States"

    David Kosař"Constitutional Identity of the Czech Republic" a "Transitional Justice in Regional Human Rights Courts and the Paradoxes of International Justice"

    Jan Petrov"International Input to Domestic Implementation Mechanisms in the ECHR System"

  • 20.-23. 6. 2017 International Meeting on Law and Society, Law and Society Association, Nové Mexiko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař (ve spoluautorství se Samuelem Spáčem) – "From Transmission Belts to (Semi)Autonomous Actors - Chief Justices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia"

  • 22. 5. 2017 Konference "The Separation of Powers: A Global Constitutional Dialogue", American Society of Comparative Law a University of Milan, Miláno, Itálie. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Liquid Separation of Powers in central Europe"

  • 12.-13. 5. 2017 Konference pro mladé vědce organizovaná Stanford Law School, Standford, USA.

    Nino Tsereteli"Managing Legitimacy in Times of Change: the Evolution of Remedial Powers and Legitimacy Management Strategies of the European Court of Human Rights"

  • 4.-5. 5. 2017 Workshop "Judicial Resistance", Paříž, Francie. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"How to Tame the Judiciary: Lessons from the Communist Czechoslovakia"

  • 27. 4. 2017 AHRI konference "The Promotion and Enforcement of Human Rights by International and Regional Organizations", Leuven, Belgie. (BeCom)

    Katarína Šipulová, Jozef JanovskýHubertem Smekalem"Understanding adoption of international human rights treaties: political regimes and commitment patterns"

  • 21. 4. 2017 Konference "Krize liberální demokracie v Evropě", Praha, Česká republika. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Nástroje obrany liberální demokracie v Evropě"

  • 6. 3. 2017 Přednáška na University of New South Wales, Sydney, Austrálie. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Constitutional Identity in the Czech Republic: A New Twist on the Old Fashioned Idea?"

  • 28. 2. 2017 Prezentace článku, University of New South Wales in Sydney, Austrálie.

    David Kosař ve spoluautorství s Ladislavem Vyhnánkem – "Constitutional Identity in the Czech Republic: A New Twist on the Old Fashioned Idea?”

  • 22. 2. 2017 Workshop "The role of the European Court of Human Rights in the Community of Final Interpreters", Barcelona, Španělsko.

    Jan Petrov"Typology of Consitutional Courts' Roles in Implementation of the ECtHR's Case Law"

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