Všechny konference


  • 8.-10.7. 2024 konference ICON-S, IE University Law School, Madrid, Španělsko

    Michal Kovalčík - vedení panelu "Actors and Sectors of Legal Reasoning at the European Court of Justice"

    Katarína Šipulová - vedení panelu "Judges and Judicial Resilience"
                                   - spoluorganizace setkání "Interest Group: Informality, courts, and politics" (s Joernem Dresselem)

    David Kosař - vedení panelu "Chief Justices and Democratic Decline: Crisis Leadership or Leadership in Crisis?"
                          - vedení panelu "The Foundations of the Separation of Powers"

    David Kosař a Mathieu Leloup - diskuze v rámci "Interest Group: Separation of Powers"

    Ondřej Kadlec - příspěvek "Navigating the Grand Chamber Trilemma: The Role of Extended Formations in the Decision-Making of the European Court of Justice"
                             - příspěvek "Checks and Balances in challenging environments"

    Michal Kovalčík - příspěvek "Dimensions, Virtues, and Perils of Judicial Transparency"

    Patrick Leisure - příspěvek "Opening the Black Box: The Role of Oral Hearings at the European Court of Human Rights"

    Samuel Spáč - příspěvek "The role of informality in the selection of judges"

    Katarína Šipulová - příspěvek "Purging the Judiciary After a Transition: Between a Rock and a Hard Place"

    David Kosař - příspěvek "Judicial Underreach: Pros and Cons"
    - příspěvek "The Many Layers of Judicial Overstay"

    Mathieu Leloup - příspěvek "Structural Rights: individual rights as a foundation of government architecture"

  • 19. – 21. 7. 2024 konference ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Universidade NOVA, Lisabon, Portugalsko

    Katarína Šipulová a Lukáš Hamřík – vedení panelu "Governance by Informality in the European Union"

    Lukáš Hamřík – příspěvek "Judicial Leadership at the Court of Justice of the European Union"

    Etienne Hanelt – příspěvek "The political process of the EP to use Art 7"

    Katarína Šipulová a Lukáš Hamřík – příspěvek "How much of an autocrat do you need to be for the EU to notice?" (spoluautoři Etienne Hanelt, Hubert Smekal)

    Lukáš Hamřík – účast na workshopu "Representation and Candidacy in the 2024 European Elections" s příspěvkem "In search for an ideal Commission’s President?"

  • 15. - 16. 4. 2024 kulatý stůl "Monitoring the Independence of Judiciary", CEELI Institute, Praha, Česká republika

    Samuel Spáč - diskuze na téma "Judiciary independence in Central and Eastern Europe"

  • 11. - 13. 4. 2024 konference "Unwritten Constitutionalism and Public Law in Central and Eastern Europe", ICON's CEE sekce, Sibiu, Rumunsko

    David Kosař - vedení panelu "Concepts" a závěrečná řeč

  • 11. 4. 2024 konference "Politologické sympozium 2024: Evropské volby v kontextu 20 let členství Česka v EU", Mezinárodní poligologický ústav, FSS MU, Brno, Česká republika

    Lukáš Hamřík - příspěvek "Personalizace politiky a volby do Evropského parlamentu: Má procedura Spitzenkandidát budoucnost?"

  • 25. - 27. 3. 2024 workshop "Sounding the Alarm: Comparing Early Signs of Democratic Recession in Established and Backsliding Democracies" ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Lüneburg, Německo

    David Kosař a Katarína Šipulová - příspěvek "Ring the bell. Judiciaries as anti-autocratization radar systems"

  • 8. 3. 2024 Diskuze k uvedení knihy, The School of Law, The University of Sheffield, UK

    Katarína Šipulová - panelová diskuze ke knize 'Judicial Governance and Democracy in Europe', autor Pablo Castillo-Ortiz

  • 7. 3. 2024 Seminář na iCourts, University of Copenhagen, Dánsko

    David Kosař - přednáška "Judicial Overstay: Meddling with the Tail End of Judicial Career"

  • 23.-24. 2. 2024 workshop “Populist Constitutionalism and Populist Communication”, Leibniz University Hannover, Německo

    Katarína Šipulová - příspěvek "The light and dark side of judicial resistance"

    Katarína Šipulová - kulatý stůl "Protecting courts against populists"

  • 8.-9. 2. 2024 konference "Constitutional Challenges - Judging under Pressure", Hertie School & Humboldt University Berlin, Německo

    David Kosař - kulatý stůl "Democratic Backsliding"

  • 11.-13.1.2024 "2nd Graduate Conference on Constitutional Change", The Universtity of Texas at Austin, USA

    Michal Kovalčík - "Judicial Transparency -- How Transparent Should Courts Be in a Different Political and Social Context?"


  • 7.-8.12. 2023 Workshop "Constitutional annual works-in-progress", UCD Centre for Constitutional Studies, Dublin, Irsko (vystoupení virtuálně)

    Michal Kovalčík - příspěvek "Constitutional Referrals: A Platform for Judicial Dialogue and Another Toolkit for Judicial Resistance"

  • 30.11.-1.12. 2023 Workshop "The European Court of Human Rights’ Response to Illiberal and Authoritarian Practices", Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Německo

    David Kosař - diskuze k příspěvku autora Joseph Finnerty "Kangaroos in Strasbourg: Appraising the ECtHR’s Response to Illiberal Practices Undermining Domestic Judicial Independence"

  • 30.11. 2023 Konference "Třicet let ústavního soudnictví", Fakulta sociálních studií Masarykovy university, Brno, Česko

    Katarína Šipulová a Alžbeta Králová - příspěvek "Meče, štíty a rytíři demokracie. Jak 30 let ústavního přezkumu formovalo vztah ÚS a Parlamentu"

  • 30. 11. 2023 Diskuze 'The Role of Chief Justices', International Network of Judicial Reformers. (vystoupení virtuálně)

    David Kosař - 'The Role of Chief Justices'

  • 8.-12.11. 2023 Workshop "Islands of Institutional Integrity", University of Chicago Law School, USA

    David Kosař - příspěvek "Chief Justices in Central Europe – Activation of the Supranational Level as a Gamechanger?"

  • 12.-13.10. 2023 Konference "Empowering domestic judiciaries", Eötvös Loránd University ELTE, Budapešť, Maďarsko

    Katarína Šipulová - úvodní slovo "Building a Resilient Judiciary"

  • 9.-10.10. 2023 Workshop "The Foundations of Institutional Authority", Dublin, Irsko

    David Kosař, Ondřej Kadlec (co-authored with Katarína Šipulová) - příspěvek "The Case for Judicial Councils as Fourth Branch Institutions"

    David Kosař - diskuze k příspěvku autora Eoin Carolan "Authority: the engine - and weakness - of the separtion of powers?"

    Ondřej Kadlec - diskuze k příspěvku autorů Demian Inglesias Seifert, Daniela Rodriguez Gutierrez a Eoin Carolan "Public opinion as (a) foundation of judicial independence: mapping the relationship between independence and public perceptions of the courts and their independence"

  • 5.-6.10. 2023 Kongres "Judicial Independence of International Courts: Current Challenges and Perspectives", Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Španělsko

    David Kosař - příspěvěk "Internal judicial independence at international courts: Court presidents and registrars"

  • 29.-30.9. 2023 ECPR Workshop of the Standing Group on Law and Courts, University of Oslo, Norsko

    Michal Kovalčík – příspěvek “Transparency of the case assignment at the ECJ”

  • 18. 9. 2023 Kulatý stůl "Vznik národní lidskoprávní instituce (NHRI) v ČR: aktuální otázky“, Kancelář veřejného ochránce práv, Brno, Česká republika

    David Kosař - diskuze v panelu "Návrh novely zákona o veřejném ochránci práv ve vztahu k nárokům akreditace NHRI"

  • 15.-16.9. 2023 Workshop "Rule of Law and Rechtstaat under Pressure", University of Warsaw, Polsko

    Etienne Hanelt a Attila Vincze - příspěvek “A Hybrid Judiciary in a Hybrid Regime: A Case Study on Hungary”

  • 4.-7.9. 2023 ECPR General Conference, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, Česká republika

    Katarína Šipulová a David Kosař - vedení panelu "Informality and Institutional Design of Judicial Bodies"

    Katarína Šipulová, Lukáš Hamřík, Samuel Spáč a David Kosař - příspěvek "Judicial Self-Governance Index: The Role of Court Presidents in Judicial Governance"

    Etienne Hanelt - diskuze v panelu "Courts and Communication"

    Etienne Hanelt a Attila Vincze - příspěvek "A Hybrid Judiciary in a Hybrid Regime: A Case Study on Hungary"

    Etienne Hanelt - příspěvek "Getting Article 7 Done: Coalition-building against Hungary in the European Parliament"

    Attila Vincze - diskuze v panelu "Informal Presidential Politics"

  • 3.-6.9. 2023 Konference UACES, Queen's University Belfast, Velká Británie

    Lukáš Hamřík - příspěvek "Judicial Leadership at the CJEU"

    Lukáš Hamřík - vedení panelu "Challenging or Upholding the Rule of Law?"

  • 8.-12.7. 2023 Konference "Constitutional Heroines", Queenstown, Nový Zéland.

    David Kosař a Katarína Šipulová - příspěvek "Czech Constitutional Heroines"

  • 3.-5.7. 2023 Konference ICON-S, Wellington, Nový Zéland.

    David Kosař - příspěvek "Court-Hoarding"

    Katarína Šipulová - příspěvek "Unpacking the courts"

    David Kosař - účast na zájmové skupině "Separation of Powers"

    Katarína Šipulová - účast na zájmové skupině "Informal Institutions"

    Katarína Šipulová a David Kosař - účast na panelu "Multi-Textual Constitutions in the World"

  • 2. 7. 2023 Workshop "The Chief Justices in Comparative Perspective", Wellington, Nový Zéland.

    David Kosař - spolupořádání workshopu s Rosalind Dixon

    David Kosař a Katarína Šipulová - příspěvek "Chief Justices in Central Europe"

  • 15.-16. 6. 2023 Workshop "Heads and Tails: Admissibility and Remedies at the European Court of Human Rights", Utrecht University, Nizozemí.

    Mathieu Leloup - "The duty to exhaust non-independent apex courts as effective remedies before the European Court of Human Rights"

  • 15. 6. 2023 Workshop "Empirical Legal Studies". Analytické centrum Ministerstva spravodlivost Slovenské republiky. Bratislava, Slovenská republika.

    Katarína Šipulová a Lukáš Hamřík - prezentace probíhajícího výzkumu "The position of Court Presidents in judicial (self-)governance"

  • 2. 6. 2023 Konference "(Un)doing Judicial Independence: Actor's strategies, institutions, and outcomes". Institut d'études européennes de l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Brusel. Belgie.

    Katarína Šipulová a David Kosař - "Judges as Agents of Change: Un(Doing)Judicial Independence in Czechia and Slovakia"

    Katarína Šipulová - diskuze k příspěvku autorky Vania Alvares "Judges associations and judicial independence: ASJP and the Portuguese case"

  • 1.-4. 6. 2023 Konference "Annual Meeting on Law and Society". The Law and Society Association. San Juan, Portoriko.

    Lukáš Hamřík - účast na "Early Career Workshop"

  • 25.-26. 5. 2023 Konference JAR-Association "Innovation in Judicial Systems: Human, Cyber and Beyond". School of Law, University Rome Tre, Řím, Itálie.

    Katarína Šipulová - pořadatelka panelu "Judicial Councils Revisited"

    Katarína Šipulová a David Kosař - prezentace článku "Judicial Councils as a Fourth Branch Institutions"

    David Kosař - panelová diskuze "Chief Judges and Chief Justices: Appointment, Role, Functions, Accountability, and Countries Peculiarities"

  • 24. 5. 2023. Konference "Co nám patří a co ne: 20 let NSS". Nejvyšší správní soud, Brno. ČR.

    David Kosař - úvodní slovo "Co nám patří a co ne v "koncertu soudních velmocí" (NS, NSS, ÚS, SDEU, ESLP)?"

  • 25.-28. 4. 2023. Workshop "Joint Sessions of Workshops", ECPR, Sciences Po Toulouse, Francie.

    Katarína Šipulová - spolupořádání s Øyvindem Stiansenem workshopu "Judicial Resilience and Democratic Decay"
                                 - diskuze k příspěvku autorky Arnisa Tepelija "Was it though created in Her own image? Constituting judicial independence                                             through Europeanization in Albania"
                                 - diskuze k příspěvku autora Leonardo Puleo "Judges against the government. Towards a typology of non-partisan opposition and                                  resistance"
                                 - prezentace článku "Conceptualising Judicial Resilience"

    Samuel Spáč - diskuze k příspěvku autora Igor Logvinenko "Norms and Procedures: Courts and Democratic Backsliding in the United States"
                          - diskuze k příspěvku autorky Teodory Miljojkovic ": Irremovability of Judges - An Obstacle to the Judicial Resilience-Building?"
                          - prezentace článku "Capacity and willingness of Slovak judges to withstand attacks on the judiciary and protect democracy"

    David Kosař - diskuze k příspěvku autorky Yulia Khalikova "The power and the limits of international law under authoritarianism: Evidence from                                 a survey experiment"
                        - diskuze k příspěvku autorky Lydia Tiede "Judicial Tenacity in the Shadow of Backsliding"

    David Kosař a Katarína Šipulová - prezentace článku "Informal Judicial Institutions and Democratic Decay"

  • 18.-19. 4. 2023 Workshop "Judging and the Judiciary", Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge, UK.

    David Kosař a Katarína Šipulová - "Court Presidents, Informality and Power"

    David Kosař - diskuze k příspěvku autorů Cristina Dallara, Carlo Guarnieri, and Patrizia Pederzoli "Judicial policy-making and independence in continental Europe"

    Katarína Šipulová - diskuze k příspěvku autora Matyas Bencze "Judicial Populism"

  • 3.-4. 4. 2023 "Defending Judicial Independence Through EU Judicial Remedies and the ECtHR", The CEELI Institute, Praha, ČR.

    David Kosař - diskuze na téma "Key developments in the case-law of the ECtHR since Ástráðsson (application no. 26374/18)"

    David Kosař - diskuze na téma "Advantages and shortcomings of defending judicial independence via EU judicial remedies and applications to the ECtHR"

  • 16.-17. 3. 2023 Workshop "Transition 2.0". Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law. Heidelberg, Německo.

    Katarína Šipulová a David Kosař - "Comparative court-packing"

  • 01. 03. 2023 Diskuzní seminář Právo na svobodu projevu soudce a jeho limity v kontextu důvěry v nezávislou a nestrannou justici, Nejvyšší soud České republiky, Brno. ČR.

    David Kosař - příspěvek "Svoboda projevu soudců v judikatuře Evropského soudu pro lidská práva"

  • 16. 02. 2023 Diskuze "The Role of Lay Members of Judicial Councils in Making the Judiciary Independent and Accountable", International Network of Judicial Reformers, (vystoupení virtuálně).

    David Kosař - 'Non-Judges on Judicial Councils: (Self-)Perception Matters' [Nesoudci v soudních radách: na (sebe)vnímání záleží]

  • 02. 02. 2023 Konference 'A jogi érvelés és alternatívái' [Právní argumentace a její alternativy], Győr, Maďarsko.

    Attila Vincze - 'A jogrendszer zártsága és az alkotmányos konvenciók' [Jednota právního systému a ústavních konventů]




  • 3.-4. 12. 2020 Workshop "Migration and EU Borders", Maastricht Centre for European Law.

    Madalina Moraru - "Judicial Dialogue on the Return Directive: A case of incremental constitutionalisation in the field of irregular migration"

  • 17. 12. 2020 Seminar "Internally Displaced Persons and International Refugee Law", Interdisciplinary Migratoin Research Seminar, Danube University Krems.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - keynote speech

  • 30. 11. 2020 Workshop "Compliance with the ECtHR Judgments", Council of Europe.

    David Kosař - "The State of Compliance Research with Respect to ECtHR Judgments"

  • 4. 11. 2020 Konference "70 years of the European Convention on Human Rights: A Celebration", Goldsmiths University of London.

    Jan Petrov - "‘A ravening monster’, ‘straitjacket’, and ‘European circus’: The ECtHR in the eyes of populist leaders"

  • 23. 10. 2020 Konference "V4 Human Rights Conference on democracy, rule of law and human rights in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia", Czech Centre for Human Rights and Democracy.

    David Kosař - Keynote speech "Recent Challenges to Judicial Independence in Central and Eastern Europe"

    Katarína Šipulová - "Self-governance without Judicial Council? Building judicial independence in Czechia"

  • 17.-19. 9. 2020 Konference "Safe Zones and International Law", Third Conference of the German Network of Forced Migration Researchers.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - kulatý stůl "A Safe Zone for Displaced Populations in Northern Syria: Interdisciplinary Perspectives"

  • 7.-11. 9. 2020 UACES Virtual Conference 2020, University Association for Contemporary European Studies. (Vystoupení virtuálně)

    Lukáš Hamřík (co-authored with Petr Kaniok) - "The Personalization of Politics in the European Parliament"

    Hubert Smekal (co-authored with Sebastiaan Princen and Robert Zbíral) - "Patterns of Differentiated Implementation in EU Legislation"

  • 24.-28. 8. 2020 ECPR General Conference. (Vystoupení virtuálně)

    Katarína Šipulová co-organized (with Daniel Naurin, PluriCourts) the Law and Courts Section, containing 11 individual panels addressing domestic and international courts and politics.

    Panels chaired:

    Katarína Šipulová - "Informal Institutions and Judicial Independence"

    Papers presented:

    David Kosař - "The Family Friendliness That Wasn't - Women in the Czech Judiciary"

    Madalina Moraru - "The Role(s) of the CJEU in Framing Migrants’ Rights: Has the Political Crisis on Asylum Re-Shaped its Approach?"

  • 30. 6. 2020 Webinář "Global Legislative Responses to Coronavirus", British Institute of International and Comparative Law.

    Jan Petrov - "The COVID-19 emergency in the age of executive aggrandizement"

  • 11. 6. 2020 Konference "Integrating Diversity in the European Union", Online Mid-term Conference. (Vystoupení virtuálně)

    Hubert Smekal (co-authored with Sebastiaan Princen and Robert Zbíral) - "Mapping the scope for flexible implementation in EU legislative acts"

  • 24. 3. 2020 Konference "Rule of Law and Populism", Dublin Law and Politics Review Digital Conference, Dublin City University.

    Jan Petrov - "Supranational Guardians of the Rule of Law? European Court v. Populist Judicial Reforms"

  • 14. 2. 2020 Konference "Triial – Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of Judges and Arbitrators Safeguarding the Rule of Law under the Eu Charter Kick-off Meeting", Florencie, Itálie.

    David Kosař - CJC distinguished lecture "Rise and Fall of Judicial Self-Governance"

  • 18. 1. 2020 Workshop "Rule of Law and Illiberal Democracy", Budapešť, Maďarsko.

    Katarína Šipulová - "EU's response to current crises in Hungary, Poland and Romania, and the effect of the paradigmatical shift from the democratic to the rule of law backsliding"

  • 6. 1. 2020 Konference "Courts, Diversity, and the Politics of Jurisdiction", Tel Aviv, Izrael.

    David Kosař - "The Family Friendliness That Wasn’t – Women in the Czech Judiciary"


  • 28. 11. 2019 Konference "Nezávislost soudní moci" Brno, Česká republika.

    David KosařKatarína Šipulová - "Court-packing aneb jsou reformy směřující ke změně složení soudu vždy protiústavní?"

    Samuel Spáč - "Nezávislost soudnictví na Slovensku – hrozby zevnitř i zvenčí"

  • 24.-25. 10. 2019 Konference "From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0", Helsinki, Finsko.

    Madalina Moraru - "Challenges and solutions of the EU migration and asylum policies"

  • 16.-18. 9. 2019 Workshop "Law in Context", Oxford, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Jan Petrov - "Populism and de-judicialization of politics?"

  • 4.-7. 9. 2019 ECPR General Conference, University of Wrocław, Wroclaw, Polsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David KosařKatarína Šipulová - "Judicial Authority Under Pressure: Politicisation and Backlash Against Courts in the Age of Populism"

    Nino TsereteliHubert Smekal - "Explaining Conflicting Tendencies of Politicisation and Judicialisation: The Case of the ECtHR"

    Samuel Spáč - "Selecting Court Presidents in Slovakia, 2011–2017" (bez financování ze strany ERC)

  • 10.-14. 8. 2019 8th Junior Faculty Forum na National University of Singapore, Singapur.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones as Humanitarian Intervention"

  • 24.-25. 7. 2019 Workshop "Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law", Oxford, UK.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "The Internal Protection Alternative"

  • 25.-29. 6. 2019 16th IMISCOE Annual Conference "Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches", Malmö University, Malmö, Švédsko.

    Madalina Moraru - "The impact of the migration crisis on the European supranational courts' jurisprudence and discourse"

  • 11.-13. 6. 2019 Konference "The State Capture" organizována University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Katarína Šipulová - "The Problems of JSG Models in Czechia and Slovakia"

  • 3.-5. 6. 2019 4th annual conference of the Refugee Law Initiative, Londýn, UK.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones at the Refugee Law Initiative"

    Madalina Moraru - "The role of the CJEU in asylum and immigration"

  • 21.-22. 5. 2019 Konference organizována Radou Evropy, Kyjev, Ukraina.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "The International Law Standards on the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons"

  • 20.-30. 5. 2019 Konference "The Power of International Courts", iCourts, Kodaň, Dánsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař - "Judicialization of Judicial Politics by ECtHR"

  • 10.-13. 5. 2019 Workshop on judiciaries and transitional justice, Bonavero Institute and Bingham Centre, Oxford, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Katarína Šipulová - "Czech lustration of judges"

  • 8.-11. 5. 2019 Konference na University of Ljubljana, Lublaň, Slovinsko.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Responsibility to Protect in Theory and Practice conference"

  • 26.-27. 4. 2019 University of Michigan Junior Scholars Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones as Humanitarian Intervention"

  • 9. 4. 2019 Edinburgh-Glasgow International Law Workshop na University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones and Refugee Law"

  • 8.-11. 4. 2019 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Mons, Belgie. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David KosařKatarína Šipulová - "Court-Packing Strategies"

  • 5. 4. 2019 European Society of International Law (ESIL) 2019 Research Forum, Göttingen, Německo. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Jan Petrov - "Supranational Guardians of the Rule of Law? European Courts v. Populist Judicial Reforms"

  • 29. 3. 2019 ICON-S Konference (CEE Chapter), Praha, Česká republika. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Katarína Šipulová - "Rrole of Constitutional Courts in Democratization and their take on the Separation of Powers Principles'

  • 12.-15. 3. 2019 Konference "Putney Debates 2019" Oxford Foundation for Law, Justice and Society, Londýn, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Katarína Šipulová - "Judicial Independence in Visegrad 4 Countries"

  • 8.-10. 1. 2019 Přednáška na University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Německo. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař - "Beyond Judicial Councils"


  • 15. 11. 2018 Konference "Paying Pensions to the Conflict-Affected Persons in Ukraine: How to Exercise the Constitutional Right to Pension?" Kyjev, Ukraina.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Internally Displaced Persons"

  • 15.-18. 11. 2018 Přednáška na University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař - "Court Presidents: The Missing Piece in the Puzzle of Judicial Self-Governance"

  • 6.-12. 11. 2018 American Society of International Law Research Forum, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

    Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones as Humanitarian Intervention"

  • 25. 10. 2018 Workshop "Rights Consciousness and Legal Cultures: Empirical Research Experiences", Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapesť, Maďarsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Nino Tsereteli - "Informal Dimension of Judicial Self-Government in Georgia: Benefits and Challenges of Empirical Research"

  • 18. 9. 2018 Konference "Populist Constitutionalism", Praha, Česká republika. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař - "The Twin Challenge to Separation of Powers in Central Europe"

  • 7.-8. 9. 2018 AHRI konference "Renewing Rights in Times of Transition: 70 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", Global Justice Academy - University of Edinburgh, Skotsko.

    Hubert SmekalKatarína Šipulová - "Beyond Compliance – Domestic Judicial Implementation of the International Human Rights Case Law"

  • 6.-7. 9. 2018 Konference "Law and Judicial Dialogue on the Return of Irregular Migrants from the European Union", Masarykova univerzita, Brno, Česká republika. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Madalina Moraru - "Risk of absconding as a ground for removal and detention: which objectivity?"

    David KosařAdam Blisa - "Scope and intensity of judicial review: which power for judges within the control of immigration detention?"

  • 22.-25. 8. 2018 ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, Německo.

    Katarína ŠipulováHubert Smekal - "Understanding Adoption of International Human Rights Treaties: Political Regimes and Modification of Compliance Control"

    David Kosař - "Beyond Compliance – Judicial Implementation of the Strasbourg Case Law"

  • 25.-27. 6. 2018 Konference ICON-S "Identity, Security, Democracy: Challenges for Public Law", The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař (spoluautor Samuel Spáč) - "From Transmission Belts to (Semi)Autonomous Actors – Chief Justices in Slovakia"

  • 7. 6. 2018 Law and Society Association, Toronto, Kanada. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař – "The Rise of Judicial Self-Government: Forms and Rationales"

  • 18.-19. 5. 2018 Konference "The European Court of Human Rights in East-West Relations: Norms, Values and Legal Politics", Higher School of Economics, Moskva, Rusko.

    David Kosař – "The European Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Czech Republic: Determinants of Compliance Difficulties"

  • 2.-3. 3. 2018 Konference "Challenges for public law in modern regulatory states" University of Münster (WWU), Münster, Německo. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař – "Separation of Powers under Siege: Understanding Populism and the Rise of the Unelected in Central Europe"


  • 26. 10. 2017 Přednáška European University Institute, Florencie, Itálie.

    David Kosař"Constitutional Identity of the Czech Republic"

  • 5. 10. 2017 Kulatý stůl "Judicial governance bodies as agents of change", National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrajina.

    David Kosař"Judicial councils in transitional justice countries"

  • 13.-19. 9. 2017 Přednáška na New York University School of Law, New York, Spojené státy americké. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Populism and Separation of Powers"

  • 6.-9. 9. 2017 ECPR General Conference, Oslo, Norsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Hubert Smekal "International Human Rights Case Law in Domestic High Politics"

    Katarína Šipulová"Constitutional Courts as Catalysts of Democratization"

    Hubert Smekal and Katarína Šipulová (ve spoluautorství s Jozefem Janovským) – "Political Regimes and Commitment Patterns"

  • 5.-7. 7. 2017 Konference ICON-S "Courts, Power and Public Law", University of Copenhagen a iCourts, Kodaň, Dánsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    Katarína Šipulová"Slovakia: Democratic Backsliding and (Ab)use of Constitutional Identity: Slovakian Place in the Concept of Fundamental Constitutional Values of the European Union" a "Externalities in Transitional Justice Decisions: The European Union and Transitional Justice Processes in Post-Communist Countries"

    Simone Benvenuti"Images of judicial self-governance. A comparative and historical study of three main jurisdictions: France, United Kingdom, United States"

    David Kosař"Constitutional Identity of the Czech Republic" a "Transitional Justice in Regional Human Rights Courts and the Paradoxes of International Justice"

    Jan Petrov"International Input to Domestic Implementation Mechanisms in the ECHR System"

  • 20.-23. 6. 2017 International Meeting on Law and Society, Law and Society Association, Nové Mexiko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař (ve spoluautorství se Samuelem Spáčem) – "From Transmission Belts to (Semi)Autonomous Actors - Chief Justices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia"

  • 22. 5. 2017 Konference "The Separation of Powers: A Global Constitutional Dialogue", American Society of Comparative Law a University of Milan, Miláno, Itálie. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Liquid Separation of Powers in central Europe"

  • 12.-13. 5. 2017 Konference pro mladé vědce organizovaná Stanford Law School, Standford, USA.

    Nino Tsereteli"Managing Legitimacy in Times of Change: the Evolution of Remedial Powers and Legitimacy Management Strategies of the European Court of Human Rights"

  • 4.-5. 5. 2017 Workshop "Judicial Resistance", Paříž, Francie. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"How to Tame the Judiciary: Lessons from the Communist Czechoslovakia"

  • 27. 4. 2017 AHRI konference "The Promotion and Enforcement of Human Rights by International and Regional Organizations", Leuven, Belgie. (BeCom)

    Katarína Šipulová, Jozef JanovskýHubertem Smekalem"Understanding adoption of international human rights treaties: political regimes and commitment patterns"

  • 21. 4. 2017 Konference "Krize liberální demokracie v Evropě", Praha, Česká republika. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Nástroje obrany liberální demokracie v Evropě"

  • 6. 3. 2017 Přednáška na University of New South Wales, Sydney, Austrálie. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Constitutional Identity in the Czech Republic: A New Twist on the Old Fashioned Idea?"

  • 28. 2. 2017 Prezentace článku, University of New South Wales in Sydney, Austrálie.

    David Kosař ve spoluautorství s Ladislavem Vyhnánkem – "Constitutional Identity in the Czech Republic: A New Twist on the Old Fashioned Idea?”

  • 22. 2. 2017 Workshop "The role of the European Court of Human Rights in the Community of Final Interpreters", Barcelona, Španělsko.

    Jan Petrov"Typology of Consitutional Courts' Roles in Implementation of the ECtHR's Case Law"


  • 9.-10. 12. 2016 Konference 'How to Resolve the Crisis of Constitutional Democracy in Central Europe', Lublaň, Slovinsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"The Strasbourg Court Meets Abusive Constitutionalism: Baka v. Hungary"

  • 1.-2. 12. 2016 Konference 'Limity transparentnej justície' organizovaná Nejvyšším soudem Slovenské republiky, Bratislava, Slovensko.

    Samuel Spáč"Ako môže súdnictvo profitovať z transparentnosti"

  • 25. 11. 2016 Konference 'Mezinárodní lidskoprávní závazky', Brno, ČR.

    Hubert Smekal"Mezinárodní lidskoprávní závazky: teoretické reflexe"

  • 11.-12. 11. 2016 ASIL Research Forum, Seattle, USA. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Transitional Justice in Regional Human Rights Courts and the Paradoxes of International Justice"

  • 2. 11. 2016 Přednáška na Bergen University, Bergen, Norsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař – "Judicial Councils and the Future of Judicial Self-Government"

  • 31. 10. 2016 Přednáška na Oslo University, Oslo, Norsko. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Future of Judicial Self-Government: Dilemmas and Challenges"

  • 25.-26. 10. 2016 Konference k příležitosti 20. výročí ustavení Senátu ČR, Praha, ČR. (JUDI-ARCH)

    David Kosař"Výběr soudců Ústavního soudu"

  • 9. 9. 2016 ECPR General Conference, Praha, ČR. (BeCom)

    David Kosař"Politics of Judicial Independence in Czechia: Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law between Court Presidents and the Ministry of Justice"

    Katarína ŠipulováHubertem Smekalem"Referencing International HR Law by Constitutional Courts"

  • 8. 9. 2016 ESIL 12. výroční konference, Riga, Lotyšsko. (BeCom)

    David Kosař "European Human Rights Architecture: The Crucial Role of the Domestic Level and the Constitutional Courts in Particular"

  • 2. 9. 2016 AHRI konference, Utrecht, Nizozemí. (BeCom)

    Katarína ŠipulováHubertem Smekalem"Referencing International HR Law by Constitutional Courts"

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