Konference 2019
28. 11. 2019 Konference "Nezávislost soudní moci" Brno, Česká republika.
David Kosař a Katarína Šipulová - "Court-packing aneb jsou reformy směřující ke změně složení soudu vždy protiústavní?"
Samuel Spáč - "Nezávislost soudnictví na Slovensku – hrozby zevnitř i zvenčí"
24.-25. 10. 2019 Konference "From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0", Helsinki, Finsko.
Madalina Moraru - "Challenges and solutions of the EU migration and asylum policies"
16.-18. 9. 2019 Workshop "Law in Context", Oxford, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)
Jan Petrov - "Populism and de-judicialization of politics?"
4.-7. 9. 2019 ECPR General Conference, University of Wrocław, Wroclaw, Polsko. (JUDI-ARCH)
David Kosař a Katarína Šipulová - "Judicial Authority Under Pressure: Politicisation and Backlash Against Courts in the Age of Populism"
Nino Tsereteli a Hubert Smekal - "Explaining Conflicting Tendencies of Politicisation and Judicialisation: The Case of the ECtHR"
Samuel Spáč - "Selecting Court Presidents in Slovakia, 2011–2017" (bez financování ze strany ERC)
10.-14. 8. 2019 8th Junior Faculty Forum na National University of Singapore, Singapur.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones as Humanitarian Intervention"
24.-25. 7. 2019 Workshop "Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law", Oxford, UK.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "The Internal Protection Alternative"
25.-29. 6. 2019 16th IMISCOE Annual Conference "Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches", Malmö University, Malmö, Švédsko.
Madalina Moraru - "The impact of the migration crisis on the European supranational courts' jurisprudence and discourse"
11.-13. 6. 2019 Konference "The State Capture" organizována University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)
Katarína Šipulová - "The Problems of JSG Models in Czechia and Slovakia"
3.-5. 6. 2019 4th annual conference of the Refugee Law Initiative, Londýn, UK.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones at the Refugee Law Initiative"
Madalina Moraru - "The role of the CJEU in asylum and immigration"
21.-22. 5. 2019 Konference organizována Radou Evropy, Kyjev, Ukraina.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "The International Law Standards on the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons"
20.-30. 5. 2019 Konference "The Power of International Courts", iCourts, Kodaň, Dánsko. (JUDI-ARCH)
David Kosař - "Judicialization of Judicial Politics by ECtHR"
10.-13. 5. 2019 Workshop on judiciaries and transitional justice, Bonavero Institute and Bingham Centre, Oxford, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)
Katarína Šipulová - "Czech lustration of judges"
8.-11. 5. 2019 Konference na University of Ljubljana, Lublaň, Slovinsko.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Responsibility to Protect in Theory and Practice conference"
26.-27. 4. 2019 University of Michigan Junior Scholars Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones as Humanitarian Intervention"
9. 4. 2019 Edinburgh-Glasgow International Law Workshop na University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - "Safe Zones and Refugee Law"
8.-11. 4. 2019 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Mons, Belgie. (JUDI-ARCH)
David Kosař a Katarína Šipulová - "Court-Packing Strategies"
5. 4. 2019 European Society of International Law (ESIL) 2019 Research Forum, Göttingen, Německo. (JUDI-ARCH)
Jan Petrov - "Supranational Guardians of the Rule of Law? European Courts v. Populist Judicial Reforms"
29. 3. 2019 ICON-S Konference (CEE Chapter), Praha, Česká republika. (JUDI-ARCH)
Katarína Šipulová - "Rrole of Constitutional Courts in Democratization and their take on the Separation of Powers Principles'
12.-15. 3. 2019 Konference "Putney Debates 2019" Oxford Foundation for Law, Justice and Society, Londýn, UK. (JUDI-ARCH)
Katarína Šipulová - "Judicial Independence in Visegrad 4 Countries"
8.-10. 1. 2019 Přednáška na University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Německo. (JUDI-ARCH)
David Kosař - "Beyond Judicial Councils"