Conferences 2020
3.-4. 12. 2020 Workshop 'Migration and EU Borders', Maastricht Centre for European Law. (Virtual presence)
Madalina Moraru - 'Judicial Dialogue on the Return Directive: A case of incremental constitutionalisation in the field of irregular migration'
17. 12. 2020 Seminar 'Internally Displaced Persons and International Refugee Law', Interdisciplinary Migratoin Research Seminar, Danube University Krems.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - keynote speech
30. 11. 2020 Workshop 'Compliance with the ECtHR Judgments', Council of Europe.
David Kosař - 'The State of Compliance Research with Respect to ECtHR Judgments'
4. 11. 2020 Conference '70 years of the European Convention on Human Rights: A Celebration', Goldsmiths University of London.
Jan Petrov - '‘A ravening monster’, ‘straitjacket’, and ‘European circus’: The ECtHR in the eyes of populist leaders'
23. 10. 2020 Conference 'V4 Human Rights Conference on democracy, rule of law and human rights in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia', Czech Centre for Human Rights and Democracy.
David Kosař - Keynote speech 'Recent Challenges to Judicial Independence in Central and Eastern Europe'
Katarína Šipulová - 'Self-governance without Judicial Council? Building judicial independence in Czechia'
17.-19. 9. 2020 Conference 'Safe Zones and International Law', Third Conference of the German Network of Forced Migration Researchers.
Bríd Ní Ghráinne - a roundtable on 'A Safe Zone for Displaced Populations in Northern Syria: Interdisciplinary Perspectives'
7.-11. 9. 2020 UACES Virtual Conference 2020, University Association for Contemporary European Studies.
Lukáš Hamřík (co-authored with Petr Kaniok) - 'The Personalization of Politics in the European Parliament'
Hubert Smekal (co-authored with Sebastiaan Princen and Robert Zbíral) - 'Patterns of Differentiated Implementation in EU Legislation'
24.-28. 8. 2020 ECPR General Conference. (Virtual presence)
Katarína Šipulová co-organized (with Daniel Naurin, PluriCourts) the Law and Courts Section, containing 11 individual panels addressing domestic and international courts and politics.
Panels chaired:
Katarína Šipulová - 'Informal Institutions and Judicial Independence'
Papers presented:
David Kosař - 'The Family Friendliness That Wasn't - Women in the Czech Judiciary'
Madalina Moraru - 'The Role(s) of the CJEU in Framing Migrants’ Rights: Has the Political Crisis on Asylum Re-Shaped its Approach?'
30. 6. 2020 Webinar 'Global Legislative Responses to Coronavirus', British Institute of International and Comparative Law.
Jan Petrov - 'The COVID-19 emergency in the age of executive aggrandizement'
11. 6. 2020 Conference 'Integrating Diversity in the European Union', Online Mid-term Conference.
Hubert Smekal (co-authored with Sebastiaan Princen and Robert Zbíral) - 'Mapping the scope for flexible implementation in EU legislative acts'
24. 3. 2020 Conference 'Rule of Law and Populism', Dublin Law and Politics Review Digital Conference, Dublin City University.
Jan Petrov - 'Supranational Guardians of the Rule of Law? European Court v. Populist Judicial Reforms'
14. 2. 2020 Conference 'Triial – Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of Judges and Arbitrators Safeguarding the Rule of Law under the Eu Charter Kick-off Meeting', Florence, Italy.
David Kosař - CJC distinguished lecture 'Rise and Fall of Judicial Self-Governance'
18. 1. 2020 Workshop 'Rule of Law and Illiberal Democracy', Budapest, Hungary.
Katarína Šipulová - 'EU's response to current crises in Hungary, Poland and Romania, and the effect of the paradigmatical shift from the democratic to the rule of law backsliding'
6. 1. 2020 Conference 'Courts, Diversity, and the Politics of Jurisdiction', Tel Aviv, Izrael.
David Kosař - 'The Family Friendliness That Wasn’t – Women in the Czech Judiciary'