Conferences 2023

  • 7.-8.12. 2023 Workshop 'Constitutional annual works-in-progress', UCD Centre for Constitutional Studies, Dublin, Ireland (Virtual presence)

    Michal Kovalčík - 'Constitutional Referrals: A Platform for Judicial Dialogue and Another Toolkit for Judicial Resistance'

  • 30.11.-1.12. 2023 Workshop 'The European Court of Human Rights’ Response to Illiberal and Authoritarian Practices', Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Germany

    David Kosař - discussant of the contribution of Joseph Finnerty 'Kangaroos in Strasbourg: Appraising the ECtHR’s Response to Illiberal Practices Undermining Domestic Judicial Independence'

  • 30. 11. 2023 Discussion 'The Role of Chief Justices', International Network of Judicial Reformers. (Virtual presence)

    David Kosař - 'The Role of Chief Justices'

  • 30.11. 2023 Conference 'Třicet let ústavního soudnictví' ['Thirty years of constitutional judiciary'], Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia

    Katarína Šipulová and Alžbeta Králová - paper 'Meče, štíty a rytíři demokracie. Jak 30 let ústavního přezkumu formovalo vztah ÚS a Parlamentu' [Swords, shields and knights of democracy. How did the 30 years of constitutional review shape the relationship between the Supreme Court and Parliament]

  • 8.-12.11. 2023 Workshop 'Islands of Institutional Integrity', University of Chicago Law School, USA

    David Kosař - paper 'Chief Justices in Central Europe – Activation of the Supranational Level as a Gamechanger?'

  • 12.-13.10. 2023 Conference 'Empowering domestic judiciaries', Eötvös Loránd University ELTE, Budapest, Hungary

    Katarína Šipulová - keynote speech 'Building a Resilient Judiciary'

  • 9.-10.10. 2023 Workshop 'The Foundations of Institutional Authority', Dublin, Ireland

    David Kosař, Ondřej Kadlec (co-authored with Katarína Šipulová) - paper 'The Case for Judicial Councils as Fourth Branch Institutions'

    David Kosař - discussant of the contribution of Eoin Carolan "Authority: the engine - and weakness - of the separation of powers?"

    Ondřej Kadlec - discussant of the contribution of Demian Inglesias Seifert, Daniela Rodriguez Gutierrez, and Eoin Carolan "Public opinion as (a) foundation of judicial independence: mapping the relationship between independence and public perceptions of the courts and their independence"

  • 5.-6.10. 2023 Congress 'Judicial Independence of International Courts: Current Challenges and Perspectives', Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

    David Kosař - paper 'Internal judicial independence at international courts: Court presidents and registrars'

  • 29.-30.9. 2023 ECPR Workshop of the Standing Group on Law and Courts, University of Oslo, Norway

    Michal Kovalčík – paper 'Transparency of the case assignment at the ECJ'

  • 18. 9. 2023 Round table discussion 'Vznik národní lidskoprávní instituce (NHRI) v ČR: aktuální otázky' ['The Establishing of the National Human Rights Instituation (NHRI) in the Czech Republic: Currrent Questions'], Office of the Public Defender of Rights, Brno, Czechia

    David Kosař - discussant in the panel 'Návrh novely zákona o veřejném ochránci práv ve vztahu k nárokům akreditace NHRI' ['The amendment motion to the law on the Public Defender of Rights in relation to the accreditation requirements of NHRI']

  • 15.-16.9. 2023 Workshop 'Rule of Law and Rechtstaat under Pressure', University of Warsaw, Poland

    Etienne Hanelt and Attila Vincze - 'A Hybrid Judiciary in a Hybrid Regime: A Case Study on Hungary'

  • 4.-7.9. 2023 ECPR General Conference, Charles University, Prague, Czechia

    Katarína Šipulová and David Kosař - chairing the panel 'Informality and Institutional Design of Judicial Bodies'

    Katarína Šipulová, Lukáš Hamřík, Samuel Spáč and David Kosař - 'Judicial Self-Governance Index: The Role of Court Presidents in Judicial Governance'

    Etienne Hanelt - discussant of the panel 'Courts and Communication'

    Etienne Hanelt and Attila Vincze - 'A Hybrid Judiciary in a Hybrid Regime: A Case Study on Hungary'

    Etienne Hanelt - 'Getting Article 7 Done: Coalition-building against Hungary in the European Parliament'

    Attila Vincze - discussant of the panel 'Informal Presidential Politics'

  • 3.-6.9. 2023 UACES 2023 Annual Conference, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom

    Lukáš Hamřík - 'Judicial Leadership at the CJEU'

    Lukáš Hamřík - session chair 'Challenging or Upholding the Rule of Law?'

  • 8.-12.7. 2023 Conference 'Constitutional Heroines', Queenstown, New Zealand.

    David Kosař and Katarína Šipulová - 'Czech Constitutional Heroines'

  • 3.-5.7. 2023 Conference ICON-S, Wellington, New Zealand.

    David Kosař - 'Court-Hoarding'

    Katarína Šipulová - 'Unpacking the courts'

    David Kosař - participation in an Interest Group 'Separation of Powers'

    Katarína Šipulová - participation in an Interest Group 'Informal Institutions'

    Katarína Šipulová and David Kosař - participation in a panel 'Multi-Textual Constitutions in the World'

  • 2. 7. 2023 Workshop 'The Chief Justices in Comparative Perspective', Wellington, New Zealand.

    David Kosař - workshop director with Rosalind Dixon

    David Kosař and Katarína Šipulová - 'Chief Justices in Central Europe'

  • 15.-16. 6. 2023 Workshop 'Heads and Tails: Admissibility and Remedies at the European Court of Human Rights', Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

    Mathieu Leloup - 'The duty to exhaust non-independent apex courts as effective remedies before the European Court of Human Rights'

  • 15. 6. 2023 Workshop 'Empirical Legal Studies'. Analytical Center of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic. Bratislava, Slovakia.

    Katarína Šipulová and Lukáš Hamřík - presentation of an ongoing research on 'The position of Court Presidents in judicial (self-)governance'

  • 2. 6. 2023 Conference '(Un)doing Judicial Independence: Actor's strategies, institutions, and outcomes'. Institut d'études européennes de l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Brussels. Belgium.

    Katarína Šipulová and David Kosař - 'Judges as Agents of Change: Un(Doing)Judicial Independence in Czechia and Slovakia'

    Katarína Šipulová - discussant of contribution of Vania Alvares 'Judges associations and judicial independence: ASJP and the Portuguese case'

  • 1.-4. 6. 2023 Conference 'Annual Meeting on Law and Society'. The Law and Society Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Lukáš Hamřík - participation in 'Early Career Workshop'

  • 25.-26. 5. 2023 Conference JAR-Association 'Innovation in Judicial Systems: Human, Cyber and Beoynd'. School of Law, University Rome Tre, Rome, Italy.

    Katarína Šipulová - panel convenor 'Judicial Councils Revisited'

    Katarína Šipulová and David Kosař - 'Judicial Councils as a Fourth Branch Institutions'

    David Kosař - panel discussion 'Chief Judges and Chief Justices: Appointment, Role, Functions, Accountability, and Countries Peculiarities'

  • 24. 5. 2023 Conference 'Co nám patří a co ne: 20 let NSS' ['What does belong to us and what does not: 20 years of the Supreme Administrative Court']. Supreme Administrative Court, Brno. Czechia.

    David Kosař - keynote speech 'Co nám patří a co ne v "koncertu soudních velmocí" (NS, NSS, ÚS, SDEU, ESLP)?' ['What does belong to us and what does not in the "concert of great powers of judiciary" (Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court, Constitutional Court, Court of Justice of the European Union, European Court of Human Rights)?']

  • 25.-28. 4. 2023 Workshop 'Joint Sessions of Workshops', ECPR, Sciences Po Toulouse, France.

    Katarína Šipulová - together with Øyvind Stiansen directing a workshop 'Judicial Resilience and Democratic Decay'
                                 - discussant of contribution of Arnisa Tepelija 'Was it though created in Her own image? Constituting judicial independence through                                 Europeanization in Albania'
                                 - discussant of contribution of Leonardo Puleo 'Judges against the government. Towards a typology of non-partisan opposition and                                 resistance'
                                 - 'Conceptualising Judicial Resilience'

    Samuel Spáč - discussant of contribution of Igor Logvinenko 'Norms and Procedures: Courts and Democratic Backsliding in the United States'
                         - discussant of contribution of Teodory Miljojkovic 'Irremovability of Judges - An Obstacle to the Judicial Resilience-Building?'
                         - 'Capacity and willingness of Slovak judges to withstand attacks on the judiciary and protect democracy'

    David Kosař - discussant of contribution of Yulia Khalikova 'The power and the limits of international law under authoritarianism: Evidence from  a                              survey experiment'
                        - discussant of contribution of Lydia Tiede 'Judicial Tenacity in the Shadow of Backsliding'

    David Kosař and Katarína Šipulová - 'Informal Judicial Institutions and Democratic Decay'

  • 18.-19. 4. 2023 Workshop 'Judging and the Judiciary', Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge, UK.

    David Kosař and Katarína Šipulová - 'Court Presidents, Informality and Power'

    David Kosař - discussant of contribution of Cristina Dallara, Carlo Guarnieri, and Patrizia Pederzoli 'Judicial policy-making and independence in continental Europe'

    Katarína Šipulová - discussant of contribution of Matyas Bencze 'Judicial Populism'

  • 3.-4. 4. 2023 'Defending Judicial Independence Through EU Judicial Remedies and the ECtHR', The CEELI Institute, Prague, Czechia.

    David Kosař - discussion on a topic 'Key developments in the case-law of the ECtHR since Ástráðsson (application no. 26374/18)'

    David Kosař - discussion on a topic 'Advantages and shortcomings of defending judicial independence via EU judicial remedies and applications to the ECtHR'

  • 16.-17. 3. 2023 Workshop 'Transition 2.0'. Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law. Heidelberg, Germany.

    Katarína Šipulová and David Kosař - 'Comparative court-packing'

  • 01. 03. 2023 Discussion seminar 'Právo na svobodu projevu soudce a jeho limity v kontextu důvěry v nezávislou a nestrannou justici' ['The right to freedom of expression of a judge and its limits in the context of trust in an independent and impartial judiciary], Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, Czechia.

    David Kosař - paper 'Svoboda projevu soudců v judikatuře Evropského soudu pro lidská práva' [Freedom of expression of judges in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights]

  • 16. 02. 2023 Discussion 'The Role of Lay Members of Judicial Councils in Making the Judiciary Independent and Accountable', International Network of Judicial Reformers, (Virtual presence).

    David Kosař - 'Non-Judges on Judicial Councils: (Self-)Perception Matters'

  • 02. 02. 2023 Conference 'A jogi érvelés és alternatívái' [Legal Reasoning and its Alternatives], Győr, Hungary.

    Attila Vincze - 'A jogrendszer zártsága és az alkotmányos konvenciók' [Unity of the Legal System and the Constitutional Conventions]

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